Biodiversity Center
Lapalala Wilderness School - Biodiversity Center
Design Challenge
This design challenge involves a building that blends in with the campus's preexisting architecture and established design style, while simultaneously acting as a facility for functionality and education. The Curator House must implement ways that improve ecological balance and energy efficiency, reflecting a deep appreciation for the surrounding natural environment and cultural context.
Design Solution
A Multi-functional Presentation Space for lectures and workshops, an Interactive Exhibition Space for captivating displays on biodiversity, and a Pause and Reflection Space for peaceful reflection are some of the essential components of the "Curator House" Biodiversity Centre at Lapalala Wilderness School.
A casual eating area should offer views of the surrounding landscape. Large windows that provide Views of the Outside In will also help to link the inside with the exterior, and a possible pottery studio as a secondary function can provide imaginative, hands-on learning experience. When combined, these components will give students a beneficial and inspiring environment.